Rules of the Road (Code of Conduct)

Marina Run Club Rules of the Road (Code of Conduct)

We are a growing community. And each of you is a part of shaping it. The Marina Run Club strives to create a safe and welcoming environment for all who are interested in joining for a run, coming to events or being a part of our membership.

This Code of Conduct is intended to outline the standards that all runners and members of Marina Run Club are expected to uphold in order to attend our events or retain their membership. Behaviors that negatively affect other Marina Run Club members or the reputation and well-being of the club are unacceptable for members regardless of when or where they occur. Failure to abide by the Code of Conduct may result in suspension or revocation of membership in the Marina Run Club, or an ask to not attend our events or runs. Expectations for runners and members within the Marina Run Club include, but are not limited to, the following:

Show Respect for All: Treat all members, runners, captains and members of the public (e.g. bystanders we pass on a run) with respect and dignity. Discrimination, harassment, or any form of disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

Create a Safe Space: Members shall not engage in behavior that may threaten or appear to threaten other individuals, nor shall members create a hostile environment at MRC events, in official MRC online forums, emails, or social media. Members shall refrain from unsportsman / unsportswoman / unsportsperson-like conduct toward club members or other participants at sporting events. We will not tolerate abuse in any form including physical, mental, sexual, verbal abuse, or otherwise. We are aware of the impact of our words and actions and that good intentions can have negative impacts; microaggressions, including unintended ones, are harmful and we seek to eliminate them.

Do Not Harass and Respect Boundaries: Sexual Harassment at MRC will not be tolerated. Individuals engaging in sexual harassment are subject to revocation of club membership, will be prohibited from participating in club events, and will not be refunded membership fees or any other fees previously paid to the club. Sexual harassment includes non-consensual sexual contact of any type and other inappropriate or unwanted conduct of a sexual nature whether verbal, non-verbal, graphic, physical, or otherwise. Be considerate and understand when someone is not interested in a romantic relationship and respect those boundaries. No one wants an uncomfortable run. 

Do Not Discriminate: MRC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, national origin, age, disability, veteran's status, religion, creed, or athletic ability. No manner of discrimination by club members, verbal or otherwise, will be tolerated in any function of the club whether in-person or on-line.

Train and Race Safely: When participating in MRC events, or at any time representing MRC by wearing our merch or gear, members will conduct themselves in a way that ensures their personal safety and the safety of others. This means running safely and respectfully and being aware of one’s surroundings. Members shall be personally responsible for familiarizing themselves with the rules of the road, the rules of the sport or specific event, and necessary safety precautions. 

Be Courteous To Others: Members are expected to be courteous, respectful, and cordial to others on the road whether they are members or members of the public around us (including, but not limited to, club members, bystanders, captains, partners, and officials) at any club or sporting event. In the context of club interactions (both in-person and online), members shall not use any form of communication that is derogatory or personally damaging, nor conduct or condone any programs, activities, publications, speeches or conduct which is offensive, in poor taste, or otherwise considered detrimental to the best interests of the club.  Online activities and postings in Club channels must always be respectful of others views and opinions, shall not be degrading to other club members, and must always be conducted with an awareness of when the online discussion is no longer productive and should be ended.

Respect Club Partnerships: MRC may have official partnerships with local and national businesses which provide members access to benefits, discounts, and services. Members shall use discretion when dealing with our partners, including the use of discounts and not sharing them with non-members, and adherence to our partner's policies, to ensure the club maintains strong relationships. This also includes showing up to events that have been registered for or notifying organizers of your cancellation over 24 hours in advance. 

For any questions or concerns or to report an incident please contact

Harassment Complaint Procedure

Harassment is defined as unwelcome conduct that makes a person feel offended, humiliated and/or intimidated. 

If there is an immediate threat to your safety, contact the appropriate law enforcement channels. If the harassment takes place outside of the jurisdiction of the Marina Run Club, go through the appropriate channels to seek assistance outside of the Marina Run Club. 

Anyone who is subjected to harassment at a formally organized Club event should, if possible, inform the alleged harasser that the conduct is unwanted and unwelcome. The Club recognizes that harassment may occur in unequal relationships and that it may not be possible for the member to inform the alleged harasser. If a member cannot directly approach an alleged harasser, the member can approach a designated member of the Club’s Leadership team through contacting If a member of the Club’s Leadership team is involved in the incidents that gave rise to the complaint, then the accuser should approach the Club’s Founder.

  • Primary Contact: 
  • Secondary Contact: Sarah Tobin ( or Sina Schanz (

We understand the need to support members in making complaints.

Anyone who has been found to have harassed another person under the terms of this policy is liable to any of the following sanctions:

  • Verbal or written warning
  • Termination of club membership for relevant specified period of time up to lifetime and removal from club activities 

By adhering to this Code of Conduct, as a group we are committing to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all members, setting a standard of respect and inclusion that we hope inspires other communities to follow. Together, we can build safe spaces where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to reach their fitness goals.

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